Centering Caregiver Voices
Caregivers know what’s needed for the future of their critical profession. We’re uplifting their perspectives to drive toward racial health equity.

The Challenge
Most of us have been a caregiver at some point. Whether it’s supporting a family member with complex medical needs, making sure a neighbor has the food they need or in more formalized roles as a community health worker or doula. Caregivers are essential to forming, building and maintaining strong communities. But many in this role lack the resources and support they need as well as the respect they deserve. We’re working to change this.
By the Numbers
More than 1 in 5 Americans
have provided care to an adult or child with special needs, making them caregivers.
30% of caregivers
provide 20+ hours of care per week and over half have provided this assistance for 2 years or longer.
Over 50% of caregivers
report a decline in their own health that impacts their ability to provide care.
Our Goal
We know that giving people a chance to tell their story (and being willing to truly listen) are core components of achieving real change. With our Sensemaker Survey, we’re gathering the unique perspectives, insights and knowledge from caregivers so we can better support them.
Sensemaker Survey
The sense-making storytelling tool is not like traditional surveys. It is simple to use and will only take 15-20 minutes of your day. We use an intuitive approach to help you share whatever story feels important to you. We encourage all caregivers to use it time and time again – whenever you have a story you want to share.
We report results and findings from the survey along the way, so continue to check back for updates and sign up for our newsletter to stay informed.
How It Works
We’re collecting caregiver voices so we can better understand their experience and develop solutions to address caregiving inequities. Watch the videos to learn more.
Share Your Story
The insight we gain from this project will inform our initiatives and be used to continue advocating for improved resources and support. Share your story with us.
Como Hacer
Estamos coleccionando las voces de los cuidadores para que nosotros podamos entender mejor sus experiencias y desarrollar soluciones para abordar las inequidades del cuidado. Mira los videos para aprender más.
Comparte tu historia
El conocimiento que obtengamos de este proyecto va a informar nuestras iniciativas y será utilizado para continuar abogando por recursos mejorados y apoyo. Comparte tus historias con nosotros.
Stay Tuned for Survey Results
Everyone who fills out the survey will receive an invitation to learn about the findings at our Caregiver Summit, an interactive virtual event focused on building greater connection and collaboration between caregivers nationwide.
Advocating for Sustainable Caregiving
Our caregiving projects aim to unearth and address the root causes of the challenges facing the caregiving community, by uplifting caregiver stories, data collection and analysis, and convening caregivers to set advocacy agendas.