The 2nd Annual Community Information Exchange Summit

April 24, 2019

12:00 am EST


At this year’s Community Information Exchange Summit, Health Leads will co-present four sessions:

  1. Learning What Works: Partner with Researchers to Evaluate Your Programs
    • Sheena Nahm, PhD, MPH Health Leads; Karis Grounds, 2-1-1 San Diego; Ann Spier, J-PAL North America
  2. The Magnolia Community Initiative: Driving Cross-Sector Innovations Through Community Engagement and Data-Sharing Partnerships
    • Sheena Nahm, PhD, MPH Health Leads; Sam Joo, Magnolia Community Initiative; Myieko Clayton, 2-1-1 LA County; Keri Revens, PhD, UCity Family Zone
  3. Why Health Equity Matters
    • Lunch Plenary session featuring Damon Francis, MD, Health Leads; Rhea Boyd, MD, MPH, California Children’s Trust; Rishi Manchanda, MD, MPH, HealthBegins; Rey Faustino, MPP, One Degree, Inc.
  4. Moving from Outputs to Outcomes: Finding the Middle Ground
    • Sheena Nahm, PhD, MPH Health Leads; Caroline Fichtenberg, SIREN, UCSF; Kim Guardado, HACAP; Dean Wight, Whatcom County Health Department